Earth station similar to this one on top of Queeensland Newspapers were used to uplinked the signal to the Australian owned satellites using the K band frequency.
Recieving stations
A range of Hughes satellite dishs (1.8 metre and 2.4 metre) were used to received the signal.
Larry Wright and Bob Gleeson installing a SDS dish at the Sunshine Coast Newspapers for AAPIS services.
Larry and Bob in Gladstone. Note the black rods off the dish, they were used to align the RF head.
Larry and David Crew working in Maryborough. Larry is checking for the voltage dip, which indicated the present of a satelitte signal
2.4 metre dish at Cairns Post
External Interface Unit - EIU. This device supplied the RF head with power and IF frequencies.
Personnal Earth Station (PES). This device was connected to the EIU via a multi core cable. By putting special cards the PES this enabled AAP to offer the client a selection of services. Some units were able to transmitt back to Sydney to give a two service. A company 'Colley Farm' at Moree use this service to run a Reuter terminal. Normally it was used as a one way service to which the clients equipment was connected.
Digital picture unit "Sytin receiver". This was used by AAP to transpose digital picture grams into analogue
picture grams for recording by the local paper.
Test Equipment
Analog meter used to monitor the voltage dip on the EIU
Remote Site with SDS
Check out some of the Remote location where I have photos of.