This is the world of
"Yowee the Loveable!"
"Serious Fever"
- My collection start about 15+ years ago when my better half and I were doing the rounds of the 'Garage Sales' in the Sandgate area.
- At this particular garage sale my wife found a green and black furby.
- We had never taken much interest in them when they came out ($A45.00 +).
- Liking it and a low price of A$5.00 I bought the furby and since then they are breeding like guinea pigs.
- I had to find the appropiate place for my collection so I bought a large round glass cabinet to store them. Then a friend gave me another and it is also full.
- So many to choose from these days with Ebay and the markets. Looks like I am going to have to find another cabinet for the Games, watches, pens, servettees etc in the near future.
- I have just made contact with a Furby friend in the USA "Benedetta".
- Benedetta has introduced to me to her YouTube
and Blog
plus sent photos of the many different variants Benedetta has.
- The internet has made finding other collector easy and the prices (bit of a shame)are steadly rising.
- Only 13.9 million furbys to go.

My latest purchase is this plastic ad sheeting from sign at "McDonald" in USA
Old cabinet (Hexagonal) and the new cabinet (thanks Owl)
Some of my Furby collection
Some of my collection of McFurby
My other Furby items and also some model Leyland P76 cars which I also collect are shown below.
Review the Full circuit diagram
Question on my collection
- From: Benedetta Ruxpin
- To: Adrian
- Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2011 11:08 PM
- Subject: Re: Your Furby collection.
- Hi!!
- First of all, I'm glad you responded :)
- Okay here's a question,
- In the second picture under 2010, what is that Furby? It is grey with big blue eyes. It is behind a Minty Green Furby Baby. Is it a Furby Knockoff?
- I have many more questions :)
- Sent from my iPod
- From: Adrian
- To: Benedetta Ruxpin
- Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 7:36 PM
- Subject: Re: Your Furby collection.
- Hi Benedetta
- No name on the furby not a Tiger product. See photos.
- What is your blog and what are the youtube links please?
- Have picked up a plastic sheet taken from a Macdonald store
- Cheers
- Adrian
Close up of the games, puzzles and Pinball machine
Firby Pinball game
Other look a like Furbys
Last updated October, 2011 |
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